Implementation Resources
A Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing a Multi-Component Tobacco Free Workplace Program within Centers Serving Individuals Experiencing Homelessness
Taking Texas Tobacco Free Implementation Guide for Substance Use Treatment Centers
A Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing a Multi-Component Tobacco Free Workplace Program within Substance Use Treatment Centers
Taking Texas Tobacco Free Implementation Guide for Behavioral Health Settings
A Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing a Multi-Component Tobacco Free Workplace Program within Behavioral Health Settings
Treating Tobacco Use During an Emergency Situation
A Preparedness Guide for Local Response Teams & City Leadership
Tobacco Free Workplace Policies & Outcomes
Recommendations for Behavioral Health Treatment Centers’ Tobacco-Free Workplace Policies and Their Implementation
Quit Plan Examples
Tobacco Use Assessment Examples
Tobacco Free Workplace Policies
Information to better understand what e-cigarettes are, how they work, and why they may be harmful
Group Resources
Resources and Activities for Quitting Smoking Groups
Additional Group Activities
Projective drawing - Drawing a person who uses tobacco and a person who does not use tobacco, using symbols and diagrams. Then, discuss what ideas and emotions came up when looking at the difference in the two drawings.
Habits Use Me - Wrap a string around a volunteer from the group’s hands two times and have them try to break the string. It should break easily. Now, continue to wrap the string around the volunteer’s hands and breaking the string should be harder. The facilitator should explain that addiction does not occur all the time, but might sneak up on you after repeated behaviors until you have no control over your behaviors.
Stressful event chart - Write down a stressful event from your past, your immediate stress- response, and the physical or emotional experiences related to your response. Then rewrite the same stressful event and write how to be mindful of your emotions in that stressful event and how you could have responded better.
Urge to smoke list - List five situations where you felt a strong urge to smoke and think about what you could have done instead of using tobacco.
Quit Buddy - Get paired with someone else in the group to provide each other with encouragement. Have weekly check-ups with each other about the challenges you’re facing while discussing the best strategies for avoiding relapse.
Brainstorming/Journal - Write down the struggles you might be facing and techniques you’re using to quit.
Goal Setting - Write down two goals per week and strategies that could help group members achieve this goal.
False friend Activity - List ways tobacco has been a friend to you and list ways tobacco has been a false friend or enemy to you. Explain that you can replace a false friend (tobacco) with a real friend and increase awareness that nicotine dependency is a huge stressor in people’s lives.
Pain List - List physical problems you are having because of tobacco use and then list emotional pain you are having because of smoking.
Goodbye letter - Write a goodbye letter to all your tobacco products and share it.
Guided Mindfulness Meditation: - (5 minutes)
Meditation - (9 minutes):