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LGBTQI+ Centers



LGBTQI + communities have high rates of tobacco use relative to their heterosexual and cisgender counterparts. As a result, LGBTQI+ communities represent priority populations for tobacco control and intervention efforts. Disparities in tobacco use for LGBTQI+ communities are the direct result of targeted marketing by tobacco companies, high levels of stress and discrimination among individuals identifying as LGBTQI+, and normalization of tobacco use in community and social spaces frequently populated by LGBTQI+ communities. LGBTQI+ health and community centers provide a safe environment for individuals within the community to receive supportive services, ranging from support groups to comprehensive medical care. Unfortunately, many LGBTQI+ centers are not providing tobacco use care. 


In PP230003, we propose to disseminate and implement Taking Texas Tobacco Free (also known as Project ACTION [Alliances to Combat Tobacco In Organizations Now]), a successful, evidence-based tobacco control intervention for cancer prevention, to LGBTQI+ health and community centers. This project provides tobacco-free workplace policy guidance to de-normalize tobacco use, staff education and specialized training to service providers, and resources to bolster LGBTQI+ centers’ capacity to provide cessation and relapse prevention interventions to their patients/clients.

LGBTQI+ Centers that We Worked With

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Map Coming Soon!

Stay Informed: Read the Project ACTION Newsletter

April 2024 Project ACTION Newsletter (1)_page-0001.jpg

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Lung Cancer Screening 


Health Centers

Mental Health

Substance Use

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Training Program

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© 2016. Created by the TTTF project team s

©2020 Taking Texas Tobacco Free and their licensors. All rights reserved.

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