Mental Health
Taking Texas Tobacco Free is a multicomponent, tobacco free workplace program that has been implemented in 22 Texas Local Mental Health Authorities (LMHAs). As part of TTTF implementation, we have provided 1 hour of basic tobacco-related education to 1,535 employees and 2 hours of enhanced education/training to 3,676 clinical providers. Clinical providers had additional opportunities for advanced training in areas such as Motivational Interviewing and becoming a tobacco treatment specialist.

" Our clients have been thrilled that we are offering this program and many have expressed the gratitude in the help they are getting. So many of our clients have stated that they are so happy to have this help available to them and that they have wanted to quit for a very long time but didn't know how, or didn't have the confidence that they could do it alone. Most definitely our clients could not afford the Nicotine Replacement Therapies themselves."
-BJ Peterson, Gulf Bend Centers