Individuals Experiencing Homelessness
About 15.7% of Texans smoke cigarettes, the most common form of tobacco use. However, overall population estimates hide subpopulations of Texans with exceedingly high smoking rates. One such group is individuals experiencing homelessness.
About 26,000 Texans on any given night are experiencing homelessness.
Individuals who are homeless use tobacco at rates as high as 78%.
Moreover, tobacco use is not routinely intervened upon in this population, including in shelter or treatment settings, even though a significant proportion of homeless smokers are interested in quitting smoking and receiving help to do so.
Taking Texas Tobacco Free (TTTF) has evolved across 4 CPRIT funded awards (PP130032, PP160081, PP170070, PP200051), and has been implemented through PP170070 in 4 similar homeless-serving agencies - with positive outcomes.
Moving forward, TTTF will scale up, disseminate, and implement our tobacco-free program within agencies serving individuals who are homeless and/or vulnerably housed. Through this work, TTTF will increase the capacity for, and the provision of, evidence-based practices for tobacco control in homeless-serving agencies and thereby address the significantly high tobacco use rates and cancer incidence among this underserved population. Moreover, the dissemination materials and the technical assistance we provide broadly to the public will facilitate agency-led uptake of the program among non-participants in PP210026. Consequently, it will have a tremendous impact in preventing tobacco-related cancers among a highly vulnerable group of Texans.
Click on the Resources tab at the top of this page to access helpful resources including a step-by-step implementation guide, printable materials, a provider training video, and more!
Homeless-Serving Agencies that We Worked With
1. SEARCH Homeless Services (Houston)
2. New Hope Housing (Houston)
3. Healthcare for the Homeless (Houston)
4. Foundation Communities (Austin)
5. Home of Living Faith (Crystal City)
6. Good Neighbor Settlement House (Brownsville)
7. Saint Louise House (Austin)